酒莊Bellefond能夠睡 27 人. 城堡的主要樓梯通向一樓的臥室,,en,如果您點擊下面的任何圖片,,en,一個新標籤將打開,您可以查看有關該套房或臥室的更多信息,,en,額外的客房,,en,沿著螺旋樓梯到達頂層,,en,有以下房間可供選擇,,en,廁所和淋浴間位於頂層大廳,,en,並且適用於這個級別的所有臥室,,en,淋浴間很大,兩側都有淋浴和洗手盆,,en,一個大的,,en,硬木地板和組合沙發和辦公桌,,en,兩室套房,,en,單人間,,en,臥室,,en,通告,,en,頂層的單人間,,en,設有一個壁爐,並享有公園的美景,,en. 牆壁已經佈滿了寧靜的色彩協調的面料, 和一個巨大的吊燈照亮你的方式來樓上.
螺旋樓梯往城堡後面導致城堡的第一,第二兩床室水平. If you click on any of the images below, a new tab will open for you to see more information about that particular suite or bedroom:
鮑德溫樓 (家庭套房)
單人房 (頂樓)
Coming soon...
湖飯店Gite (睡覺 7)
花園飯店Gite (睡覺 8)
蜜月飯店Gite (睡覺 2!)
Additional Rooms
Following the spiral stairway to the top level, there are the following rooms to choose from....
請注意! The toilet and shower room are located in the hall of the top level, and are for the use of all bedrooms on this level. The shower room is large with a shower and hand basin on either side.
阿什利室. A large, 雙人臥室有兩個天窗, a hardwood floor and a sectional sofa and desk.
綠屋. A two room suite, 雙人床. 壁爐, 窗戶開向大門. 這間客房位於在門廊, 頂樓.
書室. A single-bedded room.
笑臉室. A single-bedded room.
Skylight Bedroom. 有一張雙人床和一個小天窗.
在上塔室. A circular, single-bedded room on the top floor. It features a fireplace and has a lovely view of the park.